
All the ins and outs of task creation

Create a task

Tasks are the backbone of Projectify. In order to create a task simply click the Add task button in a section panel. If you do not know how to create a section, please see the help page on sections.

Add context to a task

Context could be in the form of a title, description, label, assignee or due date. You have the freedom to add as little or as much context as you want, however we require having a title at the very least.

When you create a task, an input form allows you to input information about the task.

Edit a task

Once a task has been saved, you can go back in and edit the task by clicking the task title. This will open up the same page mentioned in the previous section Add context to a task above.

You can also open this page with the task ellipsis button (...) on the far right and clicking Open task.

To begin editing the task, you can either press the Edit button in the top right, or press the pencil button at the right side of each task field.

When you are done editing the task, you can save your changes using the Update task button in the top right. To continue viewing the task after saving your changes, press the Update task and stay button.

Move a task

There are a few ways you can move a task as well as a few places.

You can move your tasks around inside the section they are housed in as well as move them to other sections in your project. For example, if you have a section called To Do and another section called In Progress, you can move tasks between these sections.

Moving tasks is simple. On the right of a task are three buttons:

  • An up button,
  • a down button, and
  • the task ellipsis button (...).

The up and down buttons move the task inside the workpace board section.

The task ellipsis button (...) opens a context menu that allows you to select a section to move the task to, as well as more actions inside the current section such as Move to top and Move to bottom.

Copy a task link

To copy a link to a task, click the task ellipsis button (...) to the right of the task to open the task context menu and click Copy link.

Delete a task

In order to delete a task, click the task ellipsis button (...) in the task card and select Delete task from the context menu. This will open an overlay for you to confirm your choice to delete this task.