Projectify ========== Projectify is made by JWP Consulting GK, here in Setagaya City, Tokyo. JWP Consulting GK is just me at the moment, but over time some awesome people have helped with this project. This all started as an attempt to remake Wunderlist. Over time I realized that remaking Wunderlist is only part of the equation. The whole issue is that apps come and go, with us left to clean up the mess and flee from platform to platform. What if an online service could make itself redundant, handing users back the keys to their digital self? THANKS ====== > if I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. (from my MVP Isaac Newton) First things first: This project would have never been possible without the countless, millions of volunteer hours by all the people who make free software happen. Life would be nothing without the friends you make along the way. Thanks go out to: * Noboru Nakagawa * Giosuè Russo * Karim Marzouq * Sean Winchester * Saki Would you like to join the project? Contact me: Yours, Justus W. Perlwitz